Relief for an Escort in Love
I woke up to the sun pouring in through the window. It as a Saturday and Josh was only at work at six, so these two escorts in London had the whole day to enjoy together. We were planning a leisurely brunch with newspapers, followed by some personal time, before he headed off to work. The previous day, I had worried about Josh bringing a client home. I rang my mum and apologised again for not being around. I was away with work and she knew I hated to miss her visits. I’d asked her if she’d enjoyed the time with Josh.
“He is lovely. He looks like that actor, but I can’t remember his name. The one in the Kennedy programme.”
I had no idea as to which programme she was referring. Instead, she went over to the television with the phone in hand. “Let me check.”
She did this with Vlad, telling him that he resembled a young Daniel Craig!
I’d waited and waited until she found the name. “James Franco – he’s in that Stephen King adaption, but Josh’s eyes are a nicer hue of blue.”
As I inwardly groaned, I could imagine josh’s embarrassment as my mother’s cooing, but I had no idea who he was so I put that to one side. Josh might know and I certainly wasn’t going to check him out on my iPhone.
Instead I asked her if she ever wore thongs. I could hear her smiling. “Did you find it? I think I left one at the flat. I was wearing those cream trousers and didn’t want a panty line showing.”
A huge sense of relief descended over me. “Sorry, I binned it and realised what it was afterwards. I’ll get you a new one for your Christmas present. Then you can open it in front of dad.” We both hooted with laughter at the thought of my father’s face as she swung the tiny piece of fabric around in her hand.
I felt rather guilty when I came off the phone. I wasn’t being fair, but I’d expect any client coming home for escort business to have all their clothing with them when they leave.